Oameni misto

"Nam sine doctrina,vita est quast mortis imago "

duminică, 12 septembrie 2010

Get laid or die trying

Sex is :

-A need?
-A breed?
-A seed!

Sex needs:
-A place?
-A face?
-A phase!

What is sex?
In correspondence to the natural contemporary belief , sex is nothing but a temporary
sollution to dissolve misery into mistery and intense perspiration. People, whatever
the power achieved, are still people. In addition to the humble state of psychological
content, the majority of mankind is weak and therefore afraid to be alone. Though it
might seem neglectable, the fragility we all dispose of becomes one of the most
important roots into resonable distruction and plays a key role into effective orientation
for the day of tommorow.We might be : young, lustful, curious, hestitating, passionate, but this is not an excuse for going out and getting laid for experimental reasons.
Partialy I agree with the concept that we should no longer accept the marital sex as
an ultimatum of good life expectancy regarding sex, because that's stupid. "Don't sleep
with somebody until your married" is an old-fashioned icon that brought two important
discrepancies into our lives: curiosity and fear.
However, the society I live in is not a model itself.
It seems that all my friends manifest a discrete hatred towards the radical concept of
premarital interdiction of fornication. As this wasn't enough, they seem to do the opposite
by subconciously ignoring the good part that came along with fear and curiosity: respect,inocense .
So what's what, and are we better than our parents?
We're quite informed, but ignorant, exuberating and unthankful to the freedom of decision we owe.
From the abdject to the cinical, past and present, there is no significant evolution into
the conception of sex, apart from it getting worse. The idea of independence
and self-support, gives us all the distorted impression that we're heroes with various needs to calm the hormones. What we neglect is the fact that unlike heroes , we don't live forever, we get hurt and cry sometimes, we have regrets and doubts and therefore can't change positions in order to heal frustrations with pleasure and climax.
The true climax we should struggle for is the one lying in our conception, the one we fear and should let go in order to embrace the pleasure this act really conveys.

So.. what is sex?
I believe it's the ultimate key to knowing yourself. If it's bad, you're on the wrong track
if is good, than you're developing. There is no one frail in bed and extremly wise in general.
Good sex isn't just sex but humble attraction and inocense combined with the fact that
you know what you want and you give up yourself in trying to get it.
What you hear , see or witness about sex: the vulgarity, the mobility, the frivolous ,
the performance is just proof to sustain the previous mentioned contemporary sollution
to temporary heal sollitude ,but unlike true sex, it does not stick.

Un comentariu:

  1. Right so... good composition, well written, inspiring and well inspired; clear ideas revealing a clarified mind, i like it (and you, the new you) my conclusion is... that i need my lust-containing bed :D pupici clau!!!
